Manual Handling – ergonomics

Practical on pushing, pulling lifting and lowering objects. Understanding the spine and spinal injuries and ergonomics.

Who should attend?

Office and warehouse workers alike whether undertaking repetitive tasks or occasional the consequences of poor technique or poor ergonomics can be irreversible.

Why should they attend?

If you understand your own body mechanics you will think smarter next time you need to move objects at work or any other place. Development if lower risk manual handling techniques and a reduction in lost time injuries and potential ACC savings.

Site practical provided.

Other information

HSR = Health and safety rep | HSC = Health and safety committee members | HSWA = Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

Terms & Conditions

Client to provide venue:

  • Training room or boardroom or similar venue
  • White board
  • Projector screen and data projector
  • Wide format monitor / TV compatible with laptop
  • Suitable capacity for numbers attending