The HASANZ Register is a national, online register of verified workplace health and safety professionals.

The HASANZ Register is a national, online register of verified workplace health and safety professionals.

It is a one-stop shop for businesses to find reliable, quality health and safety advice and services.

Businesses and members of the public can search for free to find providers who offer services across the whole sector.

Established in 2018   with funding provided by WorkSafe New Zealand and ACC it is managed by the Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HASANZ).

There are varied disciplines that together makeup New Zealand’s health and safety workforce.

Each discipline has its own unique expertise, and to help guide you we’ve provided a summary below of the areas covered by our professional member associations.

How to Select a workplace health and safety consultant

Before you contact a consultant it helps to know what you want them to do. Most consultants will try and work this out when you first contact them. However, it’s important to be prepared so that there is an effective use of everyone’s time.

Development of a brief

A brief helps the consultant to estimate the time and cost of the project. It should provide information such as:

  • the activities of the organisation and its current workplace health and safety programme;
  • what you understand the problem is;
  • what your requirements are;
  • the objectives you want to achieve;
  • an assessment of the level of risk;
  • the resources to be provided by the company, including personnel;
  • timeframes;
  • budget guidelines;
  • any reporting or progress requirements;
  • any special conditions which might affect the consultancy project.

The more information you give the consultant, the better they will be able to prepare an estimate of the cost, timeframe and any other issues.

Health and safety generalists

Provides general health and safety advice, planning, and risk management across a worksite or organisation. They have a broad range of knowledge and provide broad-based strategic and practical advice, support and analysis to organisations on a wide range of aspects of health and safety.

You can expect a Health and Safety Generalist to help with:

  • identifying, assessing and controlling critical health and safety risks in the work environment;
  • developing, implementing, and managing health and safety systems including developing health and safety policies and procedures, and designating
    responsibilities for health and safety;
  • integrating health and safety strategic and operational planning with broader organizational and operational planning;
  • designing and implementing systems for monitoring and reporting on organizational health and safety performance;
  • providing advice on compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards;
  • fostering participation and engagement with workers;
  • evaluating the financial impact of health and safety risks, and building business cases to support appropriate controls;
  • determining the need for additional advice from other workplace health and safety professionals;
  • management and worker training;
  • management of contractors and other workers;
  • incorporating essential health and safety requirements in purchasing and contracting specifications;
  • advising on applying safety principles in design and manufacture to achieve maximum product safety;
  • development of emergency response systems;
  • accident or incident investigations with detailed reports that identify root cause;
  • rehabilitation policy and claims management systems

Other  Specialities

Hazardous substances professionals

Specialise in the management of safety risks from explosive, flammable, toxic or corrosive substances being manufactured, used, stored, transported or disposed of at work.

Occupational hygienists

Specialise in identifying, evaluating, and controlling risks to worker health from physical, chemical and biological hazards.

Human factors/ergonomics (HFE) professionals

Provide systems-level analysis and advice about the design of work equipment, environments, and processes to support healthy and productive work.

Occupational health physiotherapists

Work to prevent or treat injuries suffered at work and help affected people return to or stay at work.

Occupational therapists

Support personal health and well-being through meaningful activity: in the work context, this means helping people affected by physical or mental health issues to return to or stay at work.